Thursday Thirteen: My Bucket List


Bucket List: 13 things to do before I die.

1.      Drive across the country in a travel trailer.

2.      Learn to ride a motorcycle

3.      Be in the studio audience of television talk show.

4.      Anonomously give a huge wad of money to someone who needed it.

5.      Spend a week in a penthouse

6.      Work in Western Africa

7.      See Hawaii

8.      See Alaska

9.      Get the perfect hair style and wardrobe.

10.   Have a place of my own, a small townhouse where I can write and read whenver I feel like it.

11.   Have a personal assistant.

12.   Take dance lessons

13.   See the Grand Canyon


19 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen: My Bucket List

  1. Diva, How can one go wrong with a combo like Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman? Haha. I loved it! Thanks for stopping by Thornesworld.


  2. Actually, I can’t remember how old I was the first time I saw the Grand Canyon. Except for a few toe-tingles, just parking at the scenic overlooks and looking doesn’t really do a lot for me. The most memorable time for me was riding about 1/3 of the way from the rim on mule. That was much more impressive. Years later I had a chance to raft it, but got pregnant right before my number came up and had to pass. The waiting list was 3 years long.


  3. Alice: Neat! How’d the Grand Canyon make ya feel?
    Colleen: On stage? With those nuts??? lol. Maybe not all of them, but I am naturally extremely private and shy. But a treehouse. Ooooh, add that to my list! And if it could be in Africa or some tropical forest even better!
    Betty, I have a terrible sense of rhythm but I think it would be fun.
    Barbara, don’t give up.
    Thorne, I haven’t seen the movie yet! Must rent it some day.

    I plan to visit all your blogs in the next few days if I haven’t already. Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Well, I’ve driven across the country in Malaysia, not all in one day, but I’ve done it. I’ve also taken dance lessons, and failed miserably at them. =(

    I should think of my own list of things that I want to do before I die too! And not let myself die before they get done! LOL!


  5. I have spent a week on a penthouse and I have taken dance lessons.

    It’s much easier to drive across the country in Mexico, but I used to live in France, near Luxembourg and I drived across that country, it took me an hour or two. I even walked across the vatican. Does that count?


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